
Brand identity, Website, Packaging



Brand identity, Website, Packaging



Brand identity, Website, Packaging



The Problem

Genotipia, a provider of genetics and genomics courses, is grappling with a significant challenge due to its outdated website. The current state of the website, both in terms of technology and design, fails to meet modern standards, impacting user experience, accessibility, and engagement. Additionally, the lack of optimization not only affects the site's performance across various devices but also hampers its search engine visibility. This outdated digital presence is a critical barrier to Genotipia's mission of delivering high-quality educational content in a field that thrives on cutting-edge research and innovation. Furthermore, the absence of a comprehensive back-office system to manage resources, content, clients, and employees exacerbates the inefficiency, limiting Genotipia's ability to update course material promptly and interact effectively with its audience.


Proposed solution

To overcome these challenges, a two-pronged approach is essential. First, redesigning Genotipia's website with a focus on modernity, user-friendliness, and responsiveness will ensure an engaging and accessible learning environment for students. This redesign should reflect the latest trends in web development, optimizing the site for speed, SEO, and adaptability to various devices and screen sizes. Secondly, developing a robust back-office platform or 'brain' is crucial for managing the website's resources and contents efficiently. This system should provide intuitive tools for content management, enabling the quick update of courses to keep pace with scientific advancements. Additionally, it should facilitate seamless management of client and employee interactions, streamlining administrative tasks and enhancing communication. Implementing these solutions will not only revitalize Genotipia's online presence but also significantly improve its operational efficiency, allowing it to better serve its mission of educating the public and professionals about genetics and genomics


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Made in Framer

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