
Brand identity, Website, Packaging



Brand identity, Website, Packaging



Brand identity, Website, Packaging



The Problem

Sesame, an organization emphasizing the importance of internal training for new hires, faces a critical challenge in ensuring the effective dissemination and completion of these training modules. The current system lacks the flexibility and functionality needed for administrators to efficiently create, manage, and monitor training programs. This limitation not only complicates the process for administrators tasked with developing these programs but also hinders the organization's ability to leverage high-quality external resources, such as courses from platforms like Coursera. As a result, Sesame struggles to provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience that can cater to the diverse needs of its team, ultimately impacting the overall onboarding and development process for new employees.


Proposed solution

To address this challenge, it is proposed that Sesame implements a Learning Management System (LMS) designed to empower team management roles with the ability to create customized training modules or import courses directly from external platforms. This LMS will feature an intuitive interface for administrators to design or curate comprehensive training programs, track progress, and evaluate the effectiveness of each course. By integrating functionalities that allow for the seamless incorporation of external courses, Sesame can enrich its training portfolio, offering a more diverse and adaptable learning environment. This approach not only streamlines the training process for administrators and new hires alike but also enhances the overall quality of internal education by providing access to a wide range of specialized content. Implementing this LMS solution will significantly improve Sesame's capacity to foster a knowledgeable, skilled, and highly engaged workforce.


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